Looking For work? Recruiting Happening Today!
On November 8th from 10 am-2-pm at the Holiday Inn Westshore, you can have a chance to meet over 50 local employers, higher education schools/universities, and vocational/technical institutions. This is a free parking and free admission event.
So if you or someone you know are looking for a career change and an opportunity, this event you definitely want to attend. Get excited and spruce up those resumes (we recommend bringing at least 20), go with a positive attitude, and dress to impress (wear proper business attire) at the Tama Bay Job and Career Fair. For more information, you can visit: https://www.tampabay.com/expos/job-fair/ or click here to pre-register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tampa-bay-job-career-fair-tickets-171940276997.
Who knows, maybe this day could be a pivotal moment in your life and you’ll look back and thank yourself for attending.